Friday, April 30, 2010

What We Will Miss

Temples on every corner. Hiking through villages. Random conversations with taxi drivers, shop owners, strangers on the street. Handmade paper. Momos. Fluttering prayer flags. Mountains. Tailors, recyclers, fixers of everything imaginable. Winter sunshine. Rooftops. Rooftop yoga. Bargaining. Slow-pacedness. Color. Festivals. Spontaneous singing. Tuk tuks. Mangoes. Kite-flying. Monsoons. Nepali warmth and hospitality. Curry smells coming through the open windows. Butter lamps. The vegetable lady. The jangle of glass bangles. Passing cows, water buffalo and elephants on the street. Cheap food. Making fun of tourists who wear touristy things. Trying to speak Nepali. Ignoring traffic rules. Fresh tomatoes year round. Getting excited about finding things that remind us of home. Symbols, rituals, traditions. Chaotic markets on tiny, winding streets. Monkey sightings. Daily surprises. Corner-corner stores. Buffalo milk delivered to our door. Motorcycle rides. Wild boar sausage. 50 cent movies. Fresh naan. The ringing of puja bells. Newari meals at Bal Krishna's house. Thumba Thursday in Thamel. The landlord's dog. Friends from all over. Finding funny typos. Bougainvillea. Himalayan French cheese. The sound of monks chanting. Prayer wheels. Sunday Market. Sitting cross-legged. Indoor shoelessness. Saying Namaste.