Friday, June 11, 2010

The End

We made our first entry for this blog on August 16, 2008, soon after we arrived in Nepal. We were shocked in many ways and found it difficult to express how we were feeling and what we were experiencing. So much has happened since that day almost two years ago, and yet, as we spend our last few days in this country, we again find ourselves without words to describe how we are feeling, to explain exactly what it means for us to leave this place.

Those of you who have read our blog over the past two years have followed us as we discovered Nepal- beautiful mountains, exotic animals, gracious people living beside and in mounds of garbage, desperate poverty and political upheaval. We have used this space to reflect, to share, to confide. We have tried to be honest. We have tried to share both our struggles and our joys. There were too many times when we simply did not have the right words, but we still tried.

We leave Nepal much different than when we arrived, in ways that we probably won't be able to articulate for some time. We have not found many answers here but have learned how to ask better questions.

Thank you for comments, support, encouragement. Thanks for listening to us, for experiencing pieces of Nepal with us.

The End.