Saturday, August 16, 2008

Not In Lancaster Anymore

We have officially been welcomed and enveloped by the sights, sounds, and aromas of Kathmandu. It is breathtaking, lovely, overwhelming, intoxicating. It is a city of paradoxes--beggars asleep under the eaves of ornate temples, women in beautiful clothing trudge through muddy streets, extravagant textiles hang alongside animal carcasses. We take it all in with curious eyes and ears and noses, absorbing this magical place.

Today is our second full day here, which made us feel particularly brave. We went food shopping for the first time. The produce stands are a stream of endless color. I bought a mango in the rain. We also had our first experience eating out, trying mo mo (a delicious vegetable dumpling-type food) and lassi (a creamy fruity drink). We also bought some decorative handicrafts to make our house feel like home. It may take a while, but it is a beginning.

Until next time, Namaste!


Linda Espenshade said...

Keep writing. I am enjoying your blog. Linda Espenshade

ksco said...
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Lis said...

I love you guys! Hope it's lovely and more than you expected!