Thursday, September 17, 2009

We're Still Here!

It's been a bit since we have written. The past month has been full of visitors (mostly from MCC), rain, meetings at the police station, and other "normal" adventures of Nepali life (dodging puddles, dancing at a Hindu wedding, battling an army of cockroaches in our kitchen, etc). Because we didn't have our camera at the time, there are (unfortunately?) no pictures of the wedding, but surely you can create some fascinating mental pictures of us taking a stab at traditional Nepali dance.

Amos and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the 6th of this month. We enjoyed a lovely, romantic dinner to the sound of rain pounding on the window panes. The monsoons are dwindling now, and we're approaching the most glorious time of year in Nepal, full of blue,kite-filled skies and magnificent mountain views.

Unfortunately, both of us have been dealing with various sicknesses in the past week or two, but are feeling better now...and just in time for our upcoming trip to Lebanon! We also received our new camera a couple weeks ago, which will greatly enhance our otherwise dull blog posts. Thanks to all who made it possible for us to replace our camera. We are so thankful! We'll certainly make great use of it in Lebanon. The quirks are still being worked out of our laptops, and we hope that they will be completely back to normal soon. For now, we're still borrowing another MCC laptop. It will be a relief to have all the dangling bits and pieces of this scenario finally behind us. Here are a few photos from our new camera!


1 comment:

Alan & Beth Claassen Thrush said...

Happy (belated) 6th anniversary! It's great to catch up a bit via your blog. Many of your cross-cultural reflections apply in Nicaragua as well (thinking back to your post where you mentioned how you should answer a phone, for instance). Glad to hear you're enjoying your time. We're also glad you got your laptop back...unfortunately we've had no such luck with the police in Managua...we've had 2 laptops stolen in the last year. Do keep in touch!